Nursing Education - Courses

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GNSG 5050 | Lean Six Sigma | 1 credit | 8 weeks

This course is designed to give the learner an overview of Lean Six Sigma methodology; with an emphasis on healthcare quality applications and initiatives. 它的目的是让学习者对精益六西格玛原则和工具有一个基本的了解,为他们在组织中参与质量倡议做好准备.  成功完成课程后,学员将获得精益六西格玛黄带证书.

GNSG 5300 | Research & Evidence Based Practice for Advance Nursing Practice | 5 credits | 8 weeks

本课程将着重于循证实践作为高级护理实践的框架.  使用研究和循证护理过程,以提高临床实践和决策在卫生保健设置将深入探讨.  This course will include an emphasis on developing clinical questions, acquiring evidence, appraising evidence and synthesis of findings and measurement of outcomes.

GNSG 5100 |高级实习护士护理科学与理论| 5学分| 8周

本课程侧重于理论的批判性分析及其在高级护理实践中的应用. 通过考虑选定的护理模式来检查护理的科学知识体系, theories, and constructs. Selected theories, models, and concepts from social and behavioral sciences, which enhance nursing as a scientific discipline, are also considered. The inter‐relationship between theory, 实践和研究进行了审查,并探讨了发展科学知识用于实践的各种方法. 强调将理论框架应用于护理实践,作为学生选择的理论基础,在选定的医疗保健环境中识别和发展护士主导的循证变化.

GNSG 6550 |实习护士在实习转型中的作用| 5学分| 8周

In this course, 教育工作者和领导者作为变革推动者的角色将被强调,因为它涉及到专业领导和教育实践的范围和标准,并在使用最佳证据的背景下告知领导者和教育者的角色和变革实践. 本课程的高潮是完成一份学术的研究生项目提案,并通过学术和专业的音频视频演示对项目进行概述.

GNSG 6750 | Teaching with Technology | 5 credits | 8 weeks

在这门课程中,技术作为虚拟学习环境中有效教与学的一部分的意义进行了探讨. 本课程为护士教育学生提供理解和使用各种在线学习技术的知识和技能,以支持教学过程. The course will discuss principles and application of online learning, use of technology in teaching and learning, and how to integrate computer technologies into the nursing curriculum.

GNSG 5530 | Advanced Clinical Foundations | 5 credits | 8 weeks

This graduate level course will integrate principles of advanced pathophysiology, holistic health history, physical assessment, clinical experience, 药理学作为基础来支持护士教育者在临床实践中的作用. 重点将放在人类病理生理功能和对选定疾病过程的反应的先进知识的发展上,并将这些知识整合到循证护理实践中. The students will expand and refine skills related to integrated health assessment, pathophysiology, and pharmacology essential for advanced nursing practice and nursing education practice.

GNSG 6155 | Education Theory & Curriculum Development | 5 credits | 8 weeks

教学作为一种学术努力和护理教育的历史是研究护理教育中应用的教学理论的背景,也是对护理课程开发和当前学术影响因素的探索, practice, and patient education settings.  各种学习理论将在本科预执照课程的背景下介绍, nursing professional development and patient education. 学生将有机会在一个框架内设计一个教育课程/项目,包括组织/项目使命和课程的映射, and student learning outcomes.  项目评估的探索将包括对法规和认证标准的介绍.

GNSG 6255 | Teaching Strategies and Evaluation | 5 credits | 8 weeks

本课程探讨了在课堂和临床环境中护理美高梅mgm平台背景下的教学/学习策略的创造性设计. Consideration is given to pre-licensure learners, professional nurse development, and individual and population focused patient education.  学习者确定学习目标和具体的教学/学习策略,并使用形成性和总结性评估策略探索课堂和临床学习.

GNSG 6400 | Teaching Practicum | 3 credits | 8 weeks

本课程提供了一个机会,以小组或一对一的方式应用护理学生和实习护士的理论和原则, formal and informal settings.  Aspects of educating nurses, 例如计划和实施经验,记录和评估个别学习者的表现.  In addition, 学生将负责为护士学习者设计和讲授各种护理主题的课程.  每个学生将由一名或多名护理教师或专业护士发展人员指导.  Seminar topics include closing the theory-practice gap; evidence-based teaching; confronting difficult situations; giving constructive criticism/evaluation; the tripartite role of the academic nurse educator; and the multiple roles in professional nursing development. 

Total credits: 39

585.594.6600 or

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Adult and Graduate Admissions - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792 (toll free) -